Tuesday, May 13, 2014

Personal Pet Peeves

1. People who sit next to you on public transportation even when there are other seats available.
2. People that interrupt you when your telling a story and then they continue to tell you their story and then ask you in an uninterested tone to continue on with your story when they are finished talking. 
3. People who take forever to order food while I'm in line.
4. When you're eating candy and someone asks if they can have a certain color.
5. People who chew with their mouth and pretend they don't know they are.
6. You know when you ask someone a simple, straightforward question and they spend ten solid minutes rambling on about everything in the world EXCEPT the answer to your simple, straightforward question? 
7. When someone you don't know join in your conversation, like you're friends. -_-
8. When you find a really cute piece of clothing on the rack and they have like twenty in size XS, two in size 3X, and not a single one in your size.
9. Unexpected company. 
10. When teachers don't post the rigt grade....... Or no grade at all. 
11. People who don't dress their age
 12. When you have to borrow your own item back from someone. 
13. Skinny jeans on men
14. Girls who wear way too much make up. KILL IT! 
15. When someone is writing on a chalkboard and then they erase it to write something new, but they don't erase all of it, so you still see half of a letter here and there. 16. How hard it is to open a new music CD.
 17. When people walk extremely slow in front of you, like the time stops for them. 
18. When you tell someone stop and they think you're playing so they still keep doing it. 
19. People that come up to you and say "Do you remember me?" .. Obviously Not!!
20. PEOPLE .. 

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